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Papermate InkJoy Gel Review May 15, 2017 inkjoy & papermate & Posts & review I know I’m not alone in doing this, but I have a habit of walking down the pen aisle whenever I go to a big-box store in the hopes that they have Sunderland Mk1 Now Available August 23, 2016 Kickstarter & Mk1 & Montblanc & Pilot & Posts & Sunderland Quick update: I know it’s been a while since I’ve had a new post on the site. Between work, a new addition to the family, and life in general, I was Ulysses v2.6 review August 8, 2016 Posts My favorite text editor, Ulysses, just received an update to version 2.6, and it is amazing. There are a few additions to Ulysses in v2.6 but the Slack as a Personal Information Center July 19, 2016 Center & Hub & Information & Posts & Slack Seth Clifford has started using Slack as a personal information center and it is one of the best uses for Slack that I have seen. I’m a member of a Refreshed in the Wind June 7, 2016 Posts I have always enjoyed watching airplanes take off and land, and fly overhead. As a kid, whenever we drove past an airport I remember looking as hard Karas Pen Co. Render K v2 Review May 19, 2016 Karas & Kustoms & Posts & Render K & v2 It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Karas Kustoms/Karas Pen Co. and the Render K is probably my favorite model. As I stated in my review of the Thoughts on iOS Third-Party Keyboards May 18, 2016 Gboard & ios & keyboards & Posts Update: Added a restriction that I was aware of but had forgotten about. Since Gboard was released last week, iOS third-party keyboards, and the Mobile Blogging with WordPress May 13, 2016 Posts & Ulysses & WordPress & Workflow The move to WordPress went very smoothly. The only minor hiccup I had was the images still pointed to Squarespace, so I had to download them and A New Experience April 29, 2016 Posts & aircraft I recently experienced something on a flight that neither the captain, the controller, or myself had EVER seen happen or even heard of happening. We